A person's reality consists of anything she can perceive and of meanings she has attached to what she perceives. Some of this reality consists of physical objects, people, and situations that she shares to some degree with others. However, each person will have somewhat different perceptions of what is there, and they will attach very different meanings to what they perceive to be there. In addition each person develops items of an even more subjective nature that exist in her reality. That includes thoughts, feelings, memories, desires, dreams, etc. They all exist and can be perceived by the person as part of her world. They might or might not be available to other people.
We assume that the person inherently is creating her own world. Every aspect of her reality is there because she is putting it there. She might not be consciously aware of how. But ultimately she is always the one doing it, She is the one who perceives, and thinks, and feels, and intends.
We regard the inner core of the person as being distinct from anything that is found in her world. Anything that is found in her world can be perceived, assigned different meanings, and changed. The person might at various times be identifying herself with parts of her reality. But none of it is the true person. Or, maybe rather ALL of it is, if we add everything together. The inner person is a creative source that is inherently capable of being or not being anything whatsoever.
There is a region of the person's reality that she usually would consider being herself. Typically she is not conscious aware of that and not aware of what exactly she is being. The moment she starts perceiving something as an individual item she will separate from it and is no longer being it. The part she is being she is not looking at.
The person's reality is thoroughly changable. There might be parts of the reality that are more fixed or more permanent than others, but ultimately everything can be changed. But beyond the dynamics of existence there is a static core of the person that is forever unchangable. It is perfect and unlimited so it is in no need of change whatsoever.
Whatever might or might not be working well in a person's life is an aspect of her reality. There is nothing basically wrong with herself. What might need adjustment is her reality. All we can really do in processing is to help an individual be more aware of her own reality and to inspire her to make that reality whatever she wants it to be.
A person might have an inadequate familiarity with her reality, she might be assigning meanings to it that don't serve her well, she might have split have split herself or other parts of her reality up into fragments, she might be carrying around unpleasant past or future events as part of her reality. No matter what is not optimum for the person the answer is the same: get her to change her reality.
What makes transformational processing work is exactly that we regard the person as being the creator of her world. We do not regard her as being a helpless victim of random circumstances outside her control. There is not an outside objective world that we deem more correct than anybody's personal reality. The authority of one person's world is always the person herself. What exists for her is what her reality is.
Incidentally the common, outside, objective world turns out to be very fluid and changable once we are working with somebody's personal reality. The subjective realities collectively create the objective reality. Change the subjective realities and the outside universe changes.
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