Personal computers running Microsoft Windows often have numerous network connections, such as multiple network interface cards (NIC) connected to different networks, or a physical network connection and a dial-up connection. Windows Sockets has been capable of enumerating available network interfaces for some time, but certain critical information about network connections was previously unavailable. This includes information such as the logical network to which a Windows computer is attached or whether multiple interfaces are connected to the same network.
The Network Location Awareness service provider, commonly referred to as NLA, enables Windows Sockets 2 applications to identify the logical network to which a Windows computer is attached. In addition, NLA enables Windows Sockets applications to identify to which physical network interface a given application has saved specific information. NLA is implemented as a generic Windows Sockets 2 Name Resolution service provider.
우측 트레이바의 아이콘에 인터넷 연결 아이콘이 왔다갔다 거리면서 연결 안된것처럼 표시되더군요. 그래서 복구를 해보니 DNS 캐쉬 삭제가 안되길래 뭐가 문제가 있구나 싶었는데 오늘 카페에 보니 제어판 -> 관리도구 -> 서비스 탭에서 중지되어 있는걸 수동으로 놓으라더군요. 전 그냥 자동으로 놓으니 해결이 되더라구요. 혹시 저 같은 증상이 있는 분을 위해서 내용을 MSDN에서 퍼와서 적어봅니다. 잘보니 내용이 왠지 캐쉬 같군요. 미리가지고 있다가 제공한다고 하니 말이죠.
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