파이낸셜타임즈 속보 중,

Pyongyang also said it regarded the 1953 armistice of the Korean War as void, meaning it could no longer guarantee the safety of US and South Korean vessels in the Yellow Sea, scene of battles in 1999 and 2002, with dozens of casualties.


평양은 또한 1953년에 타결된 휴전협정을 무효로 간주하겠다고 밝혔다. 이것은 북한은 더이상 서해상의 미국과 한국 배들에 대한 안전을 보장할 수 없다는 의미이다. 

 링크 :


N Korea threatens South over ship searches

By Christian Oliver in Seoul and Mure Dickie in Tokyo

Published: May 26 2009 03:38 | Last updated: May 27 2009 07:13

North Korea, on Wednesday threatened to attack South Korea if it intercepted any of the communist nation’s ships as part of an anti-proliferation initiative, further raising tensions on the peninsula after a nuclear warhead test on Monday.

Pyongyang also said it regarded the 1953 armistice of the Korean War as void, meaning it could no longer guarantee the safety of US and South Korean vessels in the Yellow Sea, scene of battles in 1999 and 2002, with dozens of casualties.

”If the armistice is terminated, the Korean peninsula, in legal terms, is bound to return to a state of war,” the North Korean military said in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency.

South Korea joined the US-led Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), to intercept shipments of nuclear material, in response to North Korea’s underground nuclear test on Monday.

The statement added any attempt to search North Korean ships under the initiative would lead to a ”an immediate and powerful military strike”.

The UN Security Council condemned the country’s second nuclear test in three years, and promised to vote on a binding new resolution, possibly including fresh sanctions, this week.

Since then, South Korea’s ministry of defence says North Korea has fired five missiles into the sea in off its east coast.

North Korea has become steadily more defiant towards the international community over the last two months, blasting a long-range rocket over Japan and saying it was resuming the extraction of plutonium for nuclear fuel rods.

In practical terms, North Korea will have little pretext to launch an attack as a result of South Korea joining the PSI. The initiative’s benefits to South Korea lie primarily in sharing intelligence as Seoul cannot search ships and planes outside its sovereign territory.

Furthermore, most analysts believe North Korea has now moved most of its sensitive military hardware by plane after embarrassing seizures at sea.

Pyongyang has already said it does not recognise its non-aggression accords with South Korea. Not recognising the Korean War armistice expands its diplomatic ire to the US. Pyongyang blames Washington for leading Seoul into the PSI.

A Japanese coastguard told the Financial Times on Tuesday it had intercepted North Korean maritime exclusion notices for quadrants off both the east and west coasts of the communist state. The latest of them runs until the weekend.

After the Security Council met, Barack Obama, the US president, assured South Korea of his “unequivocal commitment” to its security and vowed to pursue tough UN measures to restrict Pyongyang’s ambitions.

The US Treasury is also considering increasing its already tough sanctions on Pyongyang.

North Korea said on Tuesday the US administration under Mr Obama remained hostile and that it was fully prepared for any attack by the US. “It is clear that nothing has changed in the US hostile policy against DPRK (North Korea) . . . even under the new US administration,” its official KCNA news agency said, criticising a recent US decision to relocate its fighter jets.

The permanent five members of the Security Council have been divided about what action could dissuade Pyongyang from pushing to achieve its goal of fitting a miniaturised atomic warhead to a ballistic missile.

North Korea map

Some think a co-ordinated strategy could prove difficult as China, which said it was “resolutely opposed” to the test, has in the past proved soft on sanctions. China is concerned that to put too much pressure on North Korea could cause the regime to collapse, sending hundreds of thousands of refugees across the border.

But a Russian foreign ministry source was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying North Korea would face a tough UN resolution as the reputation of the Security Council was on the line.

“The reaction must be sufficiently serious because the authority of the Security Council is at stake,” the official was quoted as having said. “A tough UN Security Council resolution is most probably unavoidable.”

Additional reporting by Daniel Dombey in Washington and Reuters


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환구시보 주 한국 특약기자 심송이 보도
법신사 27일소식에 의하면 조선중앙통신사는 강경성명을 발표했다.
조선은 1953년 조선전쟁정전 협정을 다시 준수하지 않을 것이며, 한국에 경고하기를 한국이 psi에 전면 참여하는 것은 전쟁을 의미하는 것이며,조선은 군사수단을 사용하여 대응하는 것이 가능하다고 말했다. 조선중앙통신사는 또한 조선이 현재 서해안 선척들의 안전을 보장하지 않을 것음을 표시했다.(발표했다)



+ 한국기사 추가


[이데일리 김윤경기자] 북한 군은 한국의 대량살상무기 확산 방지구상(PSI) 참여와 관련, 즉각적이고 강력한 군사적 조치를 취하겠다고 밝혔다고 27일 AP통신이 보도했다.

한국 정부가 북한의 제2차 핵실험에 대응해 PSI에 참여키로 결정한 지 하룻만이다.

북한 군은 성명을 내고 "한국이 PSI 하에서 북한의 선박에 대한 실제적인 단속이나 검색 행위를 한다면 즉각적이고 강력한 군사적 조치를 취하겠다"고 밝혔다.

북한은 또 더 이상 정전협정의 구속을 받지 않는 것도 고려하고 있다고 강조했다



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